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What is ad fatigue?

Ben Hayward • Feb 05, 2024

Yawn ... what is ad fatigue and ways to address it!

Let’s jump straight into it. 

Ad fatigue occurs when an audience is exposed to the same ads repeatedly, leading to a decrease in engagement and diminished ad effectiveness. 

And there is a price to pay when it comes to ad fatigue ... literally. 

Some advertising (social media channels) have begun to increase the cost of impressions to penalise advertisers (aka you) for overusing the same creative content for extended periods. 

a man is sitting at a desk with his arms in the air in front of a laptop computer .

A delicate balance

The core of the problem of ad fatigue lies in the delicate balance between frequency and relevance. While repetition is a key aspect of ensuring ad recall, overexposure can lead to boredom and irritation, causing your audience to disengage. 

This disengagement is not just a minor setback; it's a critical issue (read costly) that can lead to increased costs and decreased ROI, as platforms like Facebook, Google, and Instagram adjust their algorithms to prioritise user experience over repetitive content. 

How combat ad fatigue!

  • Refresh your creative content regularly: The most straightforward way to combat ad fatigue is by regularly updating your ad creatives. This does not mean a complete overhaul with every campaign but rather introducing variations in imagery, headlines, and call-to-actions (CTAs) to keep your content fresh and engaging.
  • Leverage audience segmentation: Tailoring your ads to specific segments of your audience can significantly increase their effectiveness. By customising your messages to meet the unique needs and interests of different groups, you're less likely to wear out your welcome. Now ... I'm aware that with new ad variations and technologies (like Meta's advantage plus) there is encouragement to 'go wide' and let the algorithm sort it out, however it doesn't hurt to consider audience segmentation.
  • Implement A/B Testing: Continuous A/B testing of your ads can provide valuable insights into what resonates with your audience and what doesn't. This data-driven approach allows you to refine your strategy and avoid the pitfalls of ad fatigue by constantly evolving. 
  • Utilise Ad Scheduling and Frequency Capping: Control how often your audience sees your ads by using ad scheduling and frequency capping features available on most advertising platforms. This helps in maintaining visibility without overwhelming your audience.. For example you may choose not to run ads after business hours etc.
  • Explore New Ad Formats and Channels: Diversifying your ad formats and exploring new channels can help you reach your audience in different ways, reducing the risk of ad fatigue. Interactive ads, video content, and influencer collaborations can offer fresh perspectives and re-engage disinterested audiences. Be creative and test and adjust - you have powerful metrics at your fingertips to see what's working and what isn't.
a woman is sitting on the floor with her legs crossed while using a laptop computer .

So ... you've made it this far. Thanks for that - I hope you found this blog helpful. So a quick re-cap. Navigating the challenges of ad fatigue in paid digital advertising requires a blend of creativity, strategic planning, and data-driven decision-making.

By refreshing your creative content, leveraging audience segmentation, and exploring new ad formats, you can maintain the effectiveness of your campaigns without incurring unnecessary costs.

If you want to know more, just reach out. We love helping people make the most of their digital ads budget.







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