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Facebook Form Ads will make you cry

Ben Hayward • Feb 07, 2024

The Crucial Role of Qualifying Questions in Facebook Form Ads: A Double-Edged Sword Of Tears

There are many different types of tears. You can add Facebook Form Ads to that list. 

If you don't want to cry over this type of ad by wasting your money ... read on 👇

You know the ads we're talking about. Facebook Form Ads have emerged as a powerful tool for advertisers aiming to generate leads directly within the platform ... which is Facebook's goal. They don't want people leaving the platform if they can help it. Totally get it ... but why are they popular?

They're popular because this type of ad streamlines the user's journey, allowing potential customers to submit their information through a pre-filled form without leaving Facebook. Simple and quick.

But be warned! Despite their convenience and potential for high conversion rates, Facebook Form Ads can become a your nightmare if not optimised with the right qualifying questions. We'll say that again... you MUST have the right qualifying questions.

a yellow sign that says questions answers on it

What happens when you do not focus on qualifying questions

Increased Irrelevant (aka time wasting) Leads: Without carefully crafted qualifying questions, you risk attracting a high volume of leads that are not genuinely interested in their product or service. This not only wastes resources but also skews performance metrics, making it challenging to gauge the campaign's true effectiveness. I have no idea why people click through if they are not interested ... but it happens.

Wasted Ad Spend: Each lead generated costs money. When an ad campaign fails to include specific qualifying questions, it's akin to casting a wide net in the ocean and hoping to catch a specific fish. The broader the net, the more unwanted catch you're likely to haul in, increasing your costs without proportionate returns.

Lower Conversion Rates: The ultimate goal of any ad campaign is to convert leads into customers (duh). A form campaign filled with irrelevant leads is less likely to convert, leading to lower overall conversion rates and a higher cost per acquisition (meaning you are wasting money).

Poor User Experience: For users, encountering a form that doesn't seem tailored to their needs or interests can be off-putting. The lack of relevant qualifying questions may lead to a perception that the brand doesn't understand their needs, potentially damaging your brand's (business) reputation and user trust.

Asking the right form questions

  • Enhanced Lead Quality: By asking specific, relevant questions, you filter out those who are less likely to be interested in your offering, ensuring that you're spending resources on leads with a higher potential to convert.

  • Improved Conversion Rates: With a pool of high-quality leads, your sales team (LOL also you if running a small business) can focus their efforts more effectively, leading to improved conversion rates and a better return on investment.

  • Cost Efficiency: Every marketer knows the importance of optimising ad spend. By improving lead quality and conversion rates, you're essentially getting more bang for your buck, reducing the cost per lead and cost per acquisition.

  • Better User Engagement: Tailored questions can also enhance the user experience, making potential customers feel understood and valued. This positive interaction increases the likelihood of conversion and fosters a stronger connection with the brand.

Crafting the Perfect Qualifying Questions

The art of selecting the right qualifying questions involves a deep understanding of your target audience and what motivates them. Consider the following when crafting your questions:

  • Relevance: Ensure each question is directly related to the product or service you're offering.
  • Clarity: Avoid ambiguity to ensure responses are useful and actionable.
  • Brevity: Keep questions concise to maintain user engagement. Attention spans are short enough ... but it is a balancing act.

Anyway ... there you go. Some handy tips on how to make the most of your Facebook Form Ads. Cheers - Ben




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